Meet your provider
Nicole Bartreau, FNP, PMHNP, IBCLC, PMH-C
I am so glad that you found your way to read this today! I am a dual certified Family and Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner. I specialize in adolescents and young adults. I am an ally (and mom) in the LGBTQIA2S+ community. I am also certified in perinatal mental health and lactation. I am a strong advocate for mental health and breaking the stigma.

Meet the Team
"Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you, spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life." - Amy Poehler
"Unity is strength. . . when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved." - Mattie Stepanek
Holly Bowie, Practice Consultant
Holly has phenomenal organization skills, and plenty of experience to help guide the everyday practice tasks and behind the scenes management.
"I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things." - Mother Teresa
"Collaboration has no hierarchy. The Sun collaborates with soil to bring flowers on the earth." - Amit Ray
Kynah Rovie,
Virtual Assistant
Kynah has been a life-saver!! We are so impressed with her organization skills, and excellent patient communication. She has been a wonderful addition to the team!
Meet Brinley! Brinley was adopted by Nicole and her family from the Arizona Golden Retriever Rescue. She is now almost 4 years old and has begun training to become a certified therapy dog! She passed her good citizen test and is now training for her public access certification. We will keep you posted on her progress, and hopefully she will be certified and working with us this year!
Our why.
"Nicole and her staff were there for my son when we could not figure out what was wrong, but I knew he was in pain. We had just moved here and he did not have a pediatrician yet. The community clinic was amazing. My son really opened up and felt comfortable at the visit"
-Community Clinic Patient Mom
"It was so great to see them out and supporting the LGBTQ+ community!"
-Health Fair Attendee